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생활습관(식단,운동 등)


by 2gether12 2024. 4. 8.

Setting my goal:

  • Diet diretly impact on mental health. So in order to keep my feelings good, I decided to adjust my meal.
  • It is also important to manage glucose spikes for preventing from depression, anxiety.
  • It is just not for losing weight but for my mental health.

Monday, 8th April

  • Breakfast: 3/ 4 cup of Greek yogurt
  • lunch: 일반식식당밥(볶음밥,함박스테이크, 양배추채샐러드,양파부추나물, 무3조각)
  • dinner: bacon shrimp wrap sandiwch
  • Good thing: It was a balanced diet including veggies, protein, and good carbs.
  • Bad thing: I overeat food so much that I feel bloated sucks.
  • Result: I should take a walk more as well as eat less.

Tuesday, 9th April

  • Breakfast: 3/ 4 cup of Greek yogurt
  • Lunch: 면(돼지고기, 양배추, 당근 들어감)
  • Dinner: White rice with bulgogi sauce and hambak steak; kimchi and chamnamul


  • Good thing: I tried to eat less than yesterday. I am saving some money. I don't feel bloated anymore. I eat the right amount of carbs. I tried to eat as many veggies as possible.
  • Bad thing: I want more veggies and protein. Healthy carbs like bananas and fruits should be included in my diet.
  • Result: I ordered four snack plans consisting of 2 eggs, protein yogurt, and nuts. I should try it out for breakfast from next week.

Wednesday, 10th April

  • Breakfast: 3/ 4 cup of Greek yogurt, 초코슈
  • Lunch: -
  • Dinner: avocado 🥑  shrimp 🍤 pocket salad

Good thing: healthy, nutritious, balanced meal.
Bad thing: 초코슈는 속이 부대꼈다ㅠㅠ
Result: 3끼를 조금씩 나눠먹는것도 괜찮은듯. 내일은 바나나와 계란을 한끼로 먹어보겠다.

특이사항: 고열 감기
breakfast Greek yogurt
lunch 못먹음
dinner banana×2목아플땐 바나나

아파서 잘 못먹었다.

breakfast 일반식 떡국
lunch two eggs, one banana, half cup of greekyogurt
dinner 연근, 버섯밥, 생나물많이, 비지찌개 같은 일반식

Breakfast Greek yogurt with a handful of blueberries
Lunch salady porkbelly shrimp warm salad bowl
Dinner 일반식 계란,참치,김,김치 포함
overall 10/10


Breakfast one banana, greek yogurt 

Lunch 한식

Dinner 한식

overall 10 out of 10